Upload pageThis page is intended to be used by customers of Percival Software, Ltd (PSL) to send data over secure connection directly to PSL's support service. PreparationsFile(s) must be compressed into ZIP, 7z or RAR format. Zip tools7-Zip or PeaZipArchives should be password protected. Consider splitting your upload into volumes during compression. Current file (part) maximum size is 1GB, but it is recommended to use stay around 500MB per piece It is recommended to add a recovery option to files using Parity tools (see below). Parity tools can also split a file into smaller pieces. Parity toolsMultipar or QuickPar2Please select files to be uploaded (up to 1GB each)Please upgrade to a browser with Flash, Silverlight or HTML5 support.
[Select files] [Upload files] After uploadAfter the upload is complete, please notify PSL via Skype or Email and include the archive's password. |